ASVAB Career Exploration Program

Junior and Senior students:

Are you looking for your dream job? The ASVAB Career Exploration Program is designed to help you find it. Regardless of your plans after high school, the ASVAB CEP helps you plan to achieve your goals. ASVAB CEP has been credited with inspiring young people to explore careers in the context of their skills and interests, resulting in greater career satisfaction, reduced student loan debt and less time wasted pursuing an ill-fitting field.

Mountain Ridge High School will be offering the ASVAB on Tuesday, November 5  at 8:00 AM to Junior and Senior students only. Students MUST visit the Counseling Center to sign up to participate. Seating is limited!

Students don’t have to do any lengthy preparation. How much they have learned through the years will probably make the most difference in their results.

For more information about the ASVAB, please visit

Thank you,

Mountain Ridge High School